Contact Us Today!

Dance Zone
1113 Lincoln Ave
Marquette, MI 49855

Phone: +1 906 2361457

E-mail: marge@

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Sundays -Ballroom

Mondays - Square Dance class and Mainstream session

Line Dancing


Tuesdays -

International Folk Dance

Wednesdays -

Line Dancing

Belly Dancing

Thursdays -

Ballet Class


International Folk Dance

Saturdays - Private Lessons


Square Dance


Belly Dance

Line Dancing


Salsercise (Salsa Exercise Class)

Movement & Dance for Parkinson's






Dance Zone The Place to Dance in Marquette County 1113 Lincoln Avenue Marquette, MI 49855 906-236-1457 Please bring clean-soled low-tread shoes to protect the floor and dancers' knees.
Dance ZoneThe Place to Dance in Marquette County1113 Lincoln AvenueMarquette, MI Please bring clean-soled low-tread shoes to protect the floor and dancers' knees.    




     SUNDAYS:    Ballroom Dancing - 7 PM

   MONDAYS:    Square Dancing – 7:30 PM; Classes offered each year

                            Line Dancing-4 PM

  TUESDAYS:    International Dance – 7:30 PM 

WEDNESDAYS:    Salsercise - 3:30 PM
Line Dancing - 4:30 PM
Ballroom with Eric - 7 PM


THURSDAYS:   Belly Dance Class – 7 PM

      FRIDAYS:    Marquette Square Dancers - 7 PM



Folk Dancing:

NMU International Dance Club – meets on Tuesdays from 7:00 PM at Dance Zone.  Contact:  Marge  Free international dance lessons.  Learn a new culture through movement. 

Marquette Folk Dancers:  Friday, 7 PM – 1500 W. Washington St. Marquette; same building as the Superior Dance Academy; enter from Washington St. at the Northern Michigan Bank & Trust.  Contact:  Bob Railey


Ballroom Dancing:

Sundays at 6 PM (except 1st Sundays) at Dance Zone.  Drop-in sessions each week.  Contact:  Marge.  Tango, Waltz, Foxtrot, Rumba, etc.  Free dance lessons.

Square and Round Dancing:

Square Dancing:

  • Mondays at 6:30 at Dance Zone, Marge Sklar calling. $3 per person or free with Silver Sneakers.

Morris Dancing:

Morris Dancing is a highly aerobic, traditional dance style from England, dating from over 500 years ago.  Although this is traditionally done as a street performance, no one in this group will be required to perform.  No experience is necessary; just wave your hankies or clash your sticks and join in the fun! Dancing is Free.  Contact Carolyn for location and schedule.



Dance Classes:

  • Basic Ballroom Dance Class: Sundays, 7-8:15 PM.  Ongoing; $10 per couple per session.  
  • Salsa Workout: Wednesdays, 3:30-4:15 PM.  Don’t just exercise.  Learn the basics of the different Latin dance styles while toning your body and get yourself moving.  $3 per session (drop-in basis).
  • Belly Dancing:  Thursdays, 7 PM.  Learn belly dance basics and a few beginning-level choreographies in this 6-week class.  Taught by Cecelia (C) Wilkinson.
  • Line Dancing:  Mondays at 4 PM and Wednesdays at 4:30 PM


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© Dance Zone Marquette's place to dance