Contact Us Today!

Dance Zone
1113 Lincoln Ave
Marquette, MI 49855

Phone: +1 906 2361457

E-mail: marge@

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Sundays - Line
    Dancing  Class

Mondays -

Zumba Gold


Line Dancing

Square Dancing


Tuesdays -

Dance for Parkinson's

International Folk Dance


Wednesdays -


Zumba Gold

Line Dancing


Thursdays -

Line Dancing Class

Belly Dancing


Friday -

Dance for Parkinsons'


International Folk Dance


Saturdays - Private Lessons



Square Dance

Ballroom (Private
   lessons only)

Belly Dance

Line Dancing

Zumba Gold

Stability (for fall

Movement & Dance for Parkinson's





Dance Zone The Place to Dance in Marquette County 1113 Lincoln Avenue Marquette, MI 49855 906-236-1457 Please bring clean-soled low-tread shoes to protect the floor and dancers' knees.
Dance ZoneThe Place to Dance in Marquette County1113 Lincoln AvenueMarquette, MI Please bring clean-soled low-tread shoes to protect the floor and dancers' knees.    

Life is Short!  Prolong your Life and your Zest for Life!  Learn to Dance!!

Now accepting Silver Sneakers for the following classes:


  • Zumba Gold
  • Movement & Dance for Parkinson's
  • Line Dancing - Mondays at 4 PM; Wednesdays at 4:30 PM
  • Thursdays at 3 PM
  • Stability and Fall Prevention - Mondays and Fridays at 3 PM; Wednesdays at 2:45 PM.
  • Square Dancing - Mondays at 6:30 PM.



Dance Classes:


  • Sundays (except 3rd Sundays, January through May and holidays), 7:30-8:30 PM - Beginning Ballroom
    • January - The Ballroom "Smooth" dances:  Introduction to Waltz, Fox Trot, Tango
    • February - The Ballroom "Rhythm" dances:  Introduction to Rumba, Cha Cha, Salsa, Swing, Mambo, Jive
    • March - Review, review, review of all the ballroom styles plus a few new routines.
  • Beginning Line Dance Class:  6 weeks, January 21-February 25, 6-6:45 PM.  $15 for the class.  Tuesdays, 6-6:45 PM.  Learn the basic steps to line dancing plus a few line dance choreographies. 




Ongoing Ballroom  – Learn the basic steps to the different ballroom styles:  Waltz, Fox Trot, Rumba, Tango, Cha Cha, Swing, Jive, etc. in this ongoing course.  $5 per couple per class session.  Thursdays 7-8:30 PM.   Note:  add a 1-hour individual session per week for $10 per couple. 


Square Dancing – New class begins in May. 


Belly Dancing - Meets Wednesdays, 7-8:30 PM.  Ongoing. 


Ongoing Line Dancing Class - Meets Tuesdays, 4-4:50 PM; Thursdays, 6-6:50 PM.


HULA - .  Learn the steps and hand movements to hula as well as some beginner-level dances.  $3 per person per lesson.  TBA.


Call 906-236-1457 for more information.



Exercise Class:

Salsercise! - Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5-5:45 PM.  Ongoing.

The salsa workout class involves dance and aerobic elements.  The choreography includes moves from the Latin dance styles: salsa, merengue, cha cha and rumba.  Don’t just exercise!  Learn the various Latin dances while you increase your stamina and physical fitness.  $3 per class session.  Please bring clean shoes to protect the dance floor and your knees. 


Dancing and Movement for Those with Parkinson’s Disease.

Parkinson’s Disease affects around 1.5 million Americans each year.  The disease is characterized by movement disorders, such as tremors, postural instability, difficulty in walking and controlling movement.  The Mark Morris Dance Group in Brooklyn developed the Dancing for PD program in 2001; this program has had considerable success in reducing the symptoms and delaying their progression. 

Dance Zone is now offering a dance program based on the Mark Morris Dancing for PD program.  Marge Sklar, owner of Dance Zone and teacher in the PD dance program, has recently studied with the Brooklyn group and is working on full-fledged certification in this style.  Our program is based on the Brooklyn program, but takes UP culture and weather into consideration as well.  All movements in the class can be done from either a seated or a standing position.  One class member recently remarked “Who would have thought you could get so much movement in while sitting in a chair?!”  Absolutely no dance experience is required.  Class is geared toward those who come on a particular day and fun is guaranteed!

Studies show that dancing can: improve quality of life; improve balance, gait and postural stability; decrease or lessen severity of tremor; reduce the likelihood of falls; decrease rigidity often associated with PD; improve control over hand and facial muscles.  Furthermore, the benefits of dance often carry over into everyday life competencies. 

Those who are ready to take control over their Parkinson’s symptoms are encouraged to come to one or several of our Dancing and Movement for Those with Parkinson’s sessions.  The class meets on Tuesdays and Fridays from 2-3:15 PM and Saturdays from 1-2:15 PM at Dance Zone, 1113 Lincoln Ave, Marquette.  The class is open to anyone with Parkinson’s and their families and caregivers.  There is no charge, but donations are gratefully accepted.  This class is jointly sponsored by Lake Superior Hospice and Dance Zone.  For more information, call Marge at 906-236-1457.








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© Dance Zone Marquette's place to dance