Square Dance class will meet on Mondays from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. This is a class, so please do be prepared to commit the time if you want to learn. You may miss a class, but remember that the entire class is affected if you miss much class time. If you must miss, please review the videos for that date.
Let Marge know (906-236-1457) if you must miss a class.
Below are some items that will be useful in class.
Web sites that show Square Dancing moves:
Japanese Version with descriptions and basic illustrations: http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/~noriks/ENGLISH/English-Index2.html
German Version with descriptions and pretty illustrations: http://www.opensquares.de/figuren.html
Note: Both of these sites give directions in English as well as the language at the origin site. Just tap on the web address to open the websites.
Taminations- Schematic directions for square dance calls:
There is a series of YouTube videos that show different square dance lessons. We will be using these lessons in the 6-week review class.
Mainstream Square Dance Lessons on YouTube:
-- Class, May 6:
Defines Heads, Sides, Positions 1,2,3,4; Learn to Circle Left/Right, Do Sa Do, Forward & Back, Swing, Promenade, Promenade 1/2, Single File Promenade.
This video teaches the following square dance calls on the mainstream list: Allemande Left, Right Hand Turn (Turn Thru), Right & Left Grand, Weave the Ring, Star Left/Right
This video teaches the following square dance calls on the mainstream list: Pass Thru, U Turn Back, California Twirl, Partner Trade, Star Promenade
This video teaches the following square dance calls on the mainstream list: Promenade Full 3/4, Grand Square, Half Sashay, Roll Away with a Half Sashay, Ladies In, Men Sashay
This video teaches the following square dance calls on the mainstream list: Right & Left Thru, Courtesy Turn, Box the Gnat, Wrong Way Grand, Ladies Chain (Heads, Sides, 3/4, All)
Plus: All around your corner; see saw your own (in lesson 4).
This video teaches the following square dance calls on the mainstream list: Back Track, Lead Right, Circle to a Line, Bend the Line, All Around your Left Hand Lady, See Saw
This video teaches the following square dance calls on the mainstream list: Square Thru (2,3,4), Wheel Around, Star Thru, Slide Thru
This video teaches the following square dance calls on the mainstream list: Veer Left/Right, Wheel & Deal (Two Faced Line), Ladies/Gents Promenade
-- Class, May 20:
This video teaches the following square dance calls on the mainstream list: Ocean Wave, Swing Thru, Run (Boys, Girls, Centers, Ends), Pass the Ocean, Trades (Boys, Girls, Ends, Centers), Dive Thru, Extend
This video teaches the following square dance calls on the mainstream list: Circulates (Ends, Centers, Couples, All 8), Ferris Wheel, Zoom
-- Class,June 3:
This video teaches the following square dance calls on the mainstream list: Touch a Quarter, Scoot Back, Flutter Wheel, Reverse Flutter Wheel
This video teaches the following square dance calls on the mainstream list: Do Paso, Thar, Allemande Thar, Slip the Clutch, Shoot the Star, Wrong Way Thar
This video teaches the following square dance calls on the mainstream list: Spin the Top, Alamo Style Wave, Wave Balance, Circulates (Column, Box, Split, 1 1/2), Chain Down the Line, Sweep a Quarter
This video teaches the following square dance calls on the mainstream list: Cross Run, Left Swing Thru, Single Hinge, Separate, Trade By, Wheel & Deal (Lines of 4)
This video teaches the following square dance calls on the mainstream list: Couples Trade, Couples Hinge, Folds, Cross Fold, Centers In/Out, Split the Outside Couple, Double Pass Thru, Cloverleaf
This video teaches the following square dance calls on the mainstream list: Left Square Thru, Cast Off 3/4, Walk & Dodge, Pass to the Center, Dixie Style to an Ocean Wave
This video teaches the following square dance calls on the mainstream list: Tag the Line, Half Tag the Line, Recycle, 8 Chain 4/Thru, Spin Chain Thru