Contact Us Today!

Dance Zone
1113 Lincoln Ave
Marquette, MI 49855

Phone: +1 906 2361457

E-mail: marge@

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Sundays -Ballroom

Mondays - Square Dance class and Mainstream session

Line Dancing


Tuesdays -

International Folk Dance

Wednesdays -

Line Dancing

Belly Dancing

Thursdays -

Ballet Class


International Folk Dance

Saturdays - Private Lessons


Square Dance


Belly Dance

Line Dancing


Salsercise (Salsa Exercise Class)

Movement & Dance for Parkinson's






Dance Zone The Place to Dance in Marquette County 1113 Lincoln Avenue Marquette, MI 49855 906-236-1457 Please bring clean-soled low-tread shoes to protect the floor and dancers' knees.
Dance ZoneThe Place to Dance in Marquette County1113 Lincoln AvenueMarquette, MI Please bring clean-soled low-tread shoes to protect the floor and dancers' knees.    

Morris Dancing

What is Morris Dancing?

Morris Dancing is a highly aerobic, traditional dance style from England. Although this is traditionally done as a street performance, no one in this group will be required to perform.

Cotswold Morris Dancing, from the Cotswold region of England, dates back well over 500 years. Shakespeare refers to Morris dancing in many of his works and often describes it as an "ancient dance." Dances are usually done as a group, with sets of 6. Dancers often wear bells around their legs and wave hankies or clash sticks.

No experience is necessary wave your hankies and join in the fun!



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© Dance Zone Marquette's place to dance