Contact Us Today!

Dance Zone
1113 Lincoln Ave
Marquette, MI 49855

Phone: +1 906 2361457

E-mail: marge@

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Sundays - Line
    Dancing  Class

Mondays -

Zumba Gold


Line Dancing

Square Dancing


Tuesdays -

Dance for Parkinson's

International Folk Dance


Wednesdays -


Zumba Gold

Line Dancing


Thursdays -

Line Dancing Class

Belly Dancing


Friday -

Dance for Parkinsons'


International Folk Dance


Saturdays - Private Lessons



Square Dance

Ballroom (Private
   lessons only)

Belly Dance

Line Dancing

Zumba Gold

Stability (for fall

Movement & Dance for Parkinson's





Dance Zone The Place to Dance in Marquette County 1113 Lincoln Avenue Marquette, MI 49855 906-236-1457 Please bring clean-soled low-tread shoes to protect the floor and dancers' knees.
Dance ZoneThe Place to Dance in Marquette County1113 Lincoln AvenueMarquette, MI Please bring clean-soled low-tread shoes to protect the floor and dancers' knees.    

Contra Dancing and The Community Dance Program at Dance Zone

At a Community Dance Session



Contra and Old-Time Square Dances

Dance to the traditional sounds of Cold Springs or just come and listen to the music, 7:00-9:00 PM.  Donations accepted to help defray cost of the band and the refreshments.  Don’t dance?  Don’t worry about it.  Caller Marge Sklar will help you through the steps.  We begin with very easy dances, so come early if you’re a beginner.  We give lessons at 6:30 PM. 

Spring,  2024 dates: Saturdays, 7-9 PM 

  • April 13
  • May 11
  • June - TBA
  • July - TBA


Summer dates depend on availability of dancers. 


Cold Spring – Old Time Stringband Music


COMMUNITY DANCE CLASS. Parents, grandparents, kids, grandkids, children of all ages - learn a skill that has been enjoyed by generations.  Will begin again in the summer session.   4th Saturday, each month, 7 PM.


What is the community dance program?

The Community Dance Program is an easy-access, limited basics program that demands little commitment on the part of the dancers, but at the same time provides an almost unlimited scope of variety, friendship, and fun.

Unfortunately, this type of program is not widely available.  The NMU International Dancers and Dance Zone will offer the community dance program this fall and winter. 

Men, women and children who would like to be involved in square dancing on a limited time schedule are invited to participate in this program.

The Community Dance Program (CDP) is a grass-roots concept of the activity – the basic form of square dancing that Americans have enjoyed for years. While there is no limit to the variety involved, it is the form of variety that can be achieved with a limited amount of class time and then enjoyed for a life-time.

The 24 basic steps in the community dance program can be learned in six two-hour lessons, so that the dancers can get onto the dance floor quickly.  These steps will be learned via traditional square, contra, couple, mixer and individual line dances. 

Don’t miss our Contra Dance with a Live Band!!   Cold Spring playing May 11,

7-9 PM.

What will you learn?

  1. Circle Left and Right
  2. Forward and Back
  3. Do Sa Do
  4. Swing
  5. Couple Promenade
  6. Single File Promenade
  7. Arm Turns, Left/Right
  8. Right and Left Grand
  9. Weave the Ring
  10. Star Right/Left
  11. Star Promenade
  12. Pass Thru
  13. Split the Couple/Ring
  14. Rollaway Half Sashay
  15. U Turn Back
  16. Separate
  17. Courtesy Turn
  18. Ladies Chain, Two/Four
  19. Lead Right
  20. Right and Left Thru
  21. Circle to a Line
  22. Grand Square


  • CONTRA DANCES (such as:
    • Rutger’s Promenade
    • Needham Special
    • Virginia Reel
    • Caroline’s Special

Note:  Contra dances typically use the basic square dance calls.

  • Mixers, such as:
    • Heel-Toe Polka
    • Going Back to Cairo
    • La Bastringue
    • Teton Mountain Stomp
    • Other couple dances, such as polka, schottische, waltz.

Contact Marge 906-236-1457906-236-1457

All sessions at Dance Zone, 1113 Lincoln Avenue,  TBA.


Your teacher, Marge Sklar, is a member of Callerlab, the international caller’s association.


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© Dance Zone Marquette's place to dance