Contact Us Today!

Dance Zone
1113 Lincoln Ave
Marquette, MI 49855

Phone: +1 906 2361457

E-mail: marge@

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Sundays - Line
    Dancing  Class

Mondays -

Zumba Gold


Line Dancing

Square Dancing


Tuesdays -

Dance for Parkinson's

International Folk Dance


Wednesdays -


Zumba Gold

Line Dancing


Thursdays -

Line Dancing Class

Belly Dancing


Friday -

Dance for Parkinsons'


International Folk Dance


Saturdays - Private Lessons



Square Dance

Ballroom (Private
   lessons only)

Belly Dance

Line Dancing

Zumba Gold

Stability (for fall

Movement & Dance for Parkinson's





Dance Zone The Place to Dance in Marquette County 1113 Lincoln Avenue Marquette, MI 49855 906-236-1457 Please bring clean-soled low-tread shoes to protect the floor and dancers' knees.
Dance ZoneThe Place to Dance in Marquette County1113 Lincoln AvenueMarquette, MI Please bring clean-soled low-tread shoes to protect the floor and dancers' knees.    


Inclement Weather Policy:  Dance Zone is closed whenever Northern Michigan University is closed due to the weather.




The next Contra Dance will be on Februry 22.




Sunday, February 9, 7-8:15 PM.


$3 per class or free with Silver Sneakers.


We will review from: Electric Slide, Cupid Shuffle,Georgia Peach, Bitty Boppy Betty, Canadian Stomp, Fireball, Blue Bayou, Boogie Shoes, Cab Driver,Yolanda,Wagon Wheel, Fireball, Lindi Shuffle and Cowboy Charleston.






FREE Folk Dancing

EVERY Tuesday, 7 PM.

Dancing from around the world.

How many languages can your feet speak?

Learn to dance from Athens to Zagreb.




We have the following classes right now:

  • SilverSneakers Stability:   Monday and Friday, 3-4:00 PM.   Wednesday, 2:45 PM.
    Want a class that will improve your balance and help with fall       prevention?  This is the class for you.  Free to SilverSneakers participants; $3 per class to others.
  • Square Dancing:  Mondays 6:30-8:30 PM.  Free to Silver Sneakers participants; $3 per class afterwards. Meetings only if there are enough participants.
  • Zumba Gold:   Monday at 2:00, Wednesday at 3:30.
    Zumba's very basic class, suitable for older adults or those new to Zumba.  Join the party and improve your fitness level.  Can be done seated or standing.  Free to Silver Sneakers participants;
    $3 per session to others.
  •  Line Dancing - Mondays at 4 PM and Wednesdays at 4:30 PM.  Free to Silver Sneakers participants;  $3 per session to others. Note: these sessions have little or no lessons.  To learn line dancing, join one of the Line Dancing classes (Thursdays at 3 and Sundays at 7).
  • Salsa Dancing Class - Wednesdays at 7 PM.  Learn the basics of Salsa dancing.
  • Line Dancing Classes - Sundays at 7 PM and Thursdays at 3 PM.  Free to Silver Sneakers participants; $3 per session to others.  Learn the basics of line dancing - the terminology and moves as well as line dances, such as Wagon Wheel and Boogie Shoes.


  • Dance and Movement for Parkinson's disease - Tuesdays and Fridays at 2 PM.  Caregivers are welcome.Meetings only if there are enough participants.


  • International Folk Dancing - Tuesdays at 7:30 (free); Fridays at 7 PM ($3).  Learn how to dance to international rhythms.


  • Belly Dancing Thursdays at 7.


  • Ballroom Dancing - Sundays, 7 PM-8:15 PM.  $5 per person per class.  We have had no takers for Ballroom Dancing for a few weeks.  If you have a wedding coming up or would like to learn ballroom dancing for whatever reason, please let us know.  We'll arrange something for you. 


  • Individual Lessons - wedding choreography or whatever style of ballroom or social dancing you prefer.  $30 per couple per hour.


  • Free Swing Dance lessons - first Saturday of each month,
    7 PM - dance lesson, 8 PM - dance session.


  • Contra Dance - one Saturday per month.





In general, we require for each class:

  • Participants must be fully immunized (and boosted) against COVID.
  • Intructor Approval
  • Masks are required during times of heavy local infection





    Dance Zone                            1113 Lincoln Ave. Marquette   




2nd Saturday of the month. First dance of the current season with Cold Springs is April 13, 7-9 PM. 

No experience or partner needed.  A caller will lead you through the steps.  Contra, Old-Time Square Dancing, Schottische, Waltz, etc. Fun for all ages.  Entrance by donation (suggested: $5/adult, $2/student, $10/family.



Square Dance Claass – Mondays, 6-7:30 PM; 12-week class began Monday, April 22.  $20 per person for 10 lessons.

Mondays, ongoing: 7:00 PM –Square Dancing called by Marge Sklar $3 per person.    Class total cost is $20                                                                                                                                                                                  SS



Tuesdays, Ongoing: 7:00 PM – NMU International Dancers – open folk dancing session.  No experience or partner needed.  Free and open to the public.



Wednesdays, Ongoing: 7 PM – learn the basics of belly dancing; taught by Cecelia Wilkinson; $30 per 6-week session.  First night is free.



Mondays at 2 PM, Wednesdays at 3:30 PM, Ongoing.

Don’t just exercise.Learn the moves to Latin dances while toning your body and increasing your stamina.$3 per person per session.                                                                                                                                       SS



Sundays, 7-8:15 PM – Ongoing Ballroom Dance Class – Learn the basics plus a routine to the various ballroom dance styles:  Waltz, Fox Trot, Rumba, Tango, Cha Cha, Salsa, Swing, Two Step, etc. $10 per couple per session. 


Dance and Movement for Those with Parkinsons:

Tuesdays and Fridays, 2-3:00 PM.  Attend all or any of the sessions.  No dance experience necessary.  No partner needed.  Control some of your Parkinson’s symptoms through this movement class.  Caregivers are welcome and encouraged to attend.                                                                                                        SS


  • Stability

Mondays and Fridays at 3 PM and Wednesdays at 2:45 PM. Falls are a major health concern for seniors. In this class, you will learn to have better balance and gain the confidence you need to prevent falls          SS



Line Dancing:

Monday, 4-5:15 PM (most advanced) and Wednesdays, 4:30-5:45 PM (less advanced).Dance traditional and modern line dances.There is very little teaching at these sessions.

Line Dancing Class – Thursdays at 3 PM.     

New Class  - Line dancing class Sundays at 7 PM..                                                                                       SS


Note:  We are available for private or small group lessons, wedding choreographies, private parties or any social dance activity.   

SS indicates we accept Silver Sneakers for the class.



Welcome to Dance Zone.

Dance Zone is your place to dance in Marquette County
We offer lessons and dancing to all styles of social dance, including: Ballroom, Latin, Swing, International Folk, Salsa, Line, Hula, Contra, Square Dancing and others.

We can also create a unique wedding dance choreography suitable for your choice of first song as well as your dancing experience and ability.

Small group and individual lessons are available in addition to our ongoing lessons.


We are also available to lead and call for square dance or contra events, weddings, parties, etc. at our facility or yours.





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© Dance Zone Marquette's place to dance